Monday, June 21, 2010


i want a bike. i had one, but i've outgrown it. i've had this urge to ride a bike for like two years now, but its not like i'm crazy over it. its just that every once in a while, i think about wanting to ride a bike at that moment. except, i don't have one. haha. i just want to go somewhere that all there is, is nature. no buildings, no roads, no technology. just grass, lots and lots of grass. i would definitely be able to live there for a long period of time, i wouldn't last there forever because thats just stupid. why live out where nobody is, forever? that would be really lonely. if someone lived there with me, like a friend or something, i would last. but what kind of person wants to live out with their friend (me) in a place with no one except grass and two bikes forever? that person would be really really crazy, like me. soo.... anyone want to live in a place with just grass with me? :)

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