Tuesday, October 5, 2010

being a somebody

this path month or so, i don't want to be somebody. or more like A somebody. i feel like being a nobody. i feel like being a nerd and becoming an outcast (do NOT say i already am!) but i mean, i don't feel like trying in anything i do. i just want to shut up and not talk in school and i feel like just, sitting there. i don't want to do what others do just to maintain their social life or what they do so that they'll be "cool", and i've never tried that before in the first place. i don't want to think of all these "witty" comments when my friends say something or those "cool" sayings that everyone likes on facebook. or all of those meaningful sayings/quotes people come up with. i just don't want to try anymore. maybe i'm just being emo for the moment.

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