Monday, October 11, 2010

gooooood day

overall, today was not that bad. except that 83 in history! aghhh. there's always a test result here and there to ruin my perfect day. haha, WHICH, reminds me that i have to study uber hard for my next spanish test tomorrow! i'm so scared now haha, i'm also scared i might pee in my pants for being so scared haahahahah! sigh. i'm so lame.....ok awkward moment....

i think i've smiled a lot today, thats good. i'm gradually but slowly getting used to school again haha after one month of it. i'm used to my schedule and i know what to do here and there so i won't be late. and i also know when to pay attention....and when i can doze off haha! oooh more sleep. i should keep this blog short. anyways, i have an oxford game tomorrow and i just lost my challenge against the doubles one that i won against previously. but we can challenge them again tomorrow. hopefully we'll win. cause i'm so sad we lost today, they got better. they know some of our weaknesses here and there now. so i need to focus and focus and.....FOCUS! i can't lose it. and i need to be ready at all times. LETS. DO. THIS!

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