Sunday, October 10, 2010


was beautiful! the place, i mean. i think it was in san clemente which was super duper far (which is what made it so fun hee hee) not to mention the bus driver got lost :D that took up a good fifteen minutes. hee hee. they had like thirty courts, on a hill so it was like this huge freaking maze. IT WAS SOOOO FUN i wanna go there again. and plus when you're in the building, you can see the beach. hee hee. the pool was pretty too. hee hee. me and dianna went ballistic and we ran all over that place. muahhahaha. there WAS one bad thing though, there were these little gnats or whatever that kept flying in front of your face, or they ran into your leg... i screamed a lot. hee.... ANYWAYS i was an extra, once again, sigh. but thats ok, both my knees were screwed up anyways. we ended up playing another extra from st. margarets and won 6-4. at first we were losing 2-4 cause i was not caring, along with my hurting knees, so i was doing all the wacko hits. and yeppp. i was going loco. that was probably the most fun part :D anyways, we realized we were gonna lose, so we started getting serious and won the rest of the games, 40-love. i was proud of myself, heheh. and then one of the girls cried. it was kind of weird. i mean, its just a game, there are gonna be many other games throughout your season, it doesn't mean you're gonna cry everytime you lose. even though we lost like 4-14 for the league, i heard the ladder people for st. margarets were super good, i kind of wanted to try playing them. its allright, haha. the ride home was fun! i slept on the bus for half an hour or so cause my legs were sore, and then spent the rest of the time talking with the team cause there was a lot of traffic so going home took longer. and cindy kim had dukbokki to share with me :D it tasted so good! they were so impressed that i knew it was dukbokki, hehe. then i went home and slept for nine hours. good day :D

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