Monday, October 4, 2010

sick tummy :(

so today my stomach hurt, a lot. and it was excruciatingg pain like there were some points of the day where i was so thankful i was in a chair and it wasn't a hallway pass, cause i wouldn't have been able to move. literally. it hurt like the whole day and i have no idea why but maybe its just because i ate something bad, or i didn't drink enough water (most likely i didn't drink enough water). either way, i don't want to go through that again, especially during a game or something!i think i would faint if i played a game and my stomach hurt. i would probably forfeit and say sorry to my doubles partner.
anywayss, it was raining today so that meant no tennis/challenge, yayyyy! i hope it doesn't rain tomorrow, cause i wanna play :D

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