Sunday, October 10, 2010


oooh, my uncle just called me (random moment) then for a second i heard your voice, and i just got really sad. sigh. sad timing. or maybe that wasn't you and i was just being delusional, it happens quite often whether i like it or not. MOVING ON....

the festival itself wasn't that fun, but the day was. :D there weren't that many things to do, and the festival looked really really empty. but i volunteered at the biggest and most complicated moon bounce, that was cool because there was this super duper cute girl there that went in and she wanted someone to go down the big slide with her :D. i kept on getting scared that she was gonna fall so yeah i kept carrying her (even though she was a bit heavy, my buffness can handle it :D jk jk) she was soo cute. and when cindy went with her, we found out her name was clementine and she was three :D hee hee. then after volunteering at the moon bounce, we went back to cindy's house to bake paul's birthday cake. i must say, i am proud of myself for baking that cake ;D it was my first time and it was successful. i didn't know what to do but thats ok, cause in the end it actually looked pretty good, along with the graham crackers saying "happy birthday paul <3, vc" then we walked back to give it to him and according to him, it tasted good :D after that we ran to the kogi truck to wait in line, and karen cheng was there....muahhhahaa, you know what that means :D but the line was so long so i told karen i would get her something to drink while she was in line. we got a strawberry smoothie that was a complete and total rip off, but i guess thats ok. the taco short rib was way more tinier than i expected, but it tasted sooooo good. since the taco was too small, me and cindy shared a jyro...or gyro...whatever. BUT its pronounced euro. it was good too! although i wouldve wanted some more tomatoes. hmmm..what was next....OH right we went inside cause it was too hot, and then after i went out again with karen to use up her left over tickets, we went on the moon bounce for like ten minutes, i sat there half the time, cause it was cooler than the outside, hehe. anyhoo, karen got dizzy from the moon bounce. and i accidentally stepped on her toes coming out, hee hee woopsies. afterwards, i wrote some time capsule things and then we went back again to cindy's house since it was too hot and too boring to just stay inside school the whole time. i watched twenty minutes worth of seventeen again. i was so mad cause i had to leave so i barely missed the part where he gets beat up by the jock! sigh. ohwells. i went home, showered, ate, and then slept for twelve hours. haha! overall yesterday was so freaking fun. i need more of those days, seriously. :D
p.s. banana looked really cute yesterday, hee hee. sigh, too bad theres no chance of him liking me. its allright ;)

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