Thursday, October 28, 2010

i don't feel like blogging

but i'll still blog. cause i haven't blogged in a couple days, so i feel weird.
i'm currently doubles three, YAYYY :) hee hee. we played st. margarets the other day, and i lost all three games haah :( but one of them was a tiebreaker! too bad one of the girls was gwbb so i got distracted ;D and today we played cerritos, they were freaking good. :( so i lost my first two games 1-6, actually the whole doubles team lost their first two games 1-6, ahhaha, everyone got churroed :D i dont' like getting churroed :( but since they were winning by so much, they put in their subs to play against us so i won my third game 6-1 yeahhhhhhhhhhh! hee hee, i feel good cause i asked one of them how long they played and she said a year ;D happy happy.

good day.

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