Sunday, October 3, 2010


WHOOOOOOPP WHOOOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPPPPPPPP! man the sage game on friday was oh so fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i loved it. i realized how much that a game depends on communication, team work, and encouraging each other to continue, no matter what the conditions are. so i challenged doubles one on friday and i was about to pee in my pants >:O but we wonn, 3-1 !!!!!!!!!! WHOOO HOOO! i was so happy and terrified and excited and ballistic all at once! so playing against sage's doubles one, was extremely scary. they had really good shots and sometimes they hit extremely fast cross court shots that i can't reach. BUT WE MANAGED THROUGH...and lost :( hahah 6-7!i tried my best and even though we lost, i'm incredibllyy proud of me and my partner! that game lasted for 1 hour and 20 minuts! they played for like three years or something :( anywayss, our game against doubles two was kind of creepy. there was the blonde girl that kept smiling and she was wearing glasses and she just stood there..smiling. it gave me goosebumps. so i tried not looking at her. she had extreemeeellyyy good backhands though! so i stopped hitting to her backhand, haha. and the other one had like an australian accent or something, so i couldn't even understand her when she said the score. we started out losing 0-2, cause i was still so depressed about the tiebreaker that we played previously but we both encouraged each other and told each other to stop thinking about the tiebreaker. so we won, 6-3! :D and then with doubles three, i accidentally hit the girl on her sunglasses, and the glasses kind of bounced off her face...hehe...woopsies! i said sorry like a lot though. it was the very last game for singles and doubles, so my whole team and the whole sage team was watching us. i was like, shaking! but we won 6-3 or 6-2 :) cause i'm not sure, i was too scared so i diddn't remember, hehe. YAYYY but we're being challenged again by the doubles one team we beat on monday :( so HOPEFULLY we'll still be doubles one, but i'm not sure.

overall i'm really really really happy and suprised. i think why we did so good was because we communicated, and understood each other. and each time we lost a point or something we told each other that it was ok. but i know that i had you in my mind through all of my three games, i won for you. i won because i knew i had to put everything you told me to use because i'll never get the chance to hear all of the things you've taught me and told me to look out for ever again. sigh. this wasn't supposed to end on a sad note.

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