Sunday, October 17, 2010

western day

was not that good. hehe. the bangers are getting smaller and smaller. dianna found an onion skin in her lemonade! its not worth three dollars anymore. they probably made them for 1 dollar and are now selling for three dollars?! there weren't any warrants either, i was kind of wanting to buy some warrants this year for the first time, but i guess not. and the petting zoo...wasn't even a petting zoo! the chickens were weird looking and there were ducks there, the ones you see everywhere at like a pond or whatever! but tennis was really fun (maybe cause coach dan was like fifty minutes late ;D) and i was the only one that brought a tennis ball so we used it to play a game and i really really wanted to keep that tennis ball because all of my teammates have played with it but it got mixed up into coach dan's balls when he came! >:O i'm so mad. tennis was kind of tiring though cause it was hot when we started playing tennis so when i went home i accidentally fell asleep on my bed for one and a half hours. hehe woops. then i watched some tv, ate, then slept again :D good times.

p.s. i won a lot of points during tennis :D yayyyyyyyyyyy!

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